HA AZ Area
Structures and Bylaws
07 January 2024
Article I - Name
The officers of the Board of Directors shall serve under the name Heroin
Anonymous Arizona Area, Inc. or H.A. AZ Area, Inc.
Article II – Purpose
These bylaws are intended to provide guidance for our activities in Heroin
Anonymous within the Arizona Area. Decisions made by individuals, groups, and
areas should be considered within the context of our Twelve Steps, Traditions,
and Concepts. We should remember that each group is autonomous and that the
group conscience is the guiding principle.
As a fellowship, we will always be guided by and remain grounded in, the
spiritual precepts of The Twelve Steps, The Twelve Traditions, and The Twelve
Concepts. It is the goal of these bylaws to offer specific insights and
clarifications as to the needs of the Arizona Area. The adoption of these
bylaws represents the conscience of the Area as to their use.
Article III - Territory
H.A. AZ Area, Inc. will support Arizona and surrounding cities that need
Article IV - Board of Directors Membership
Members of the H.A. AZ Area board of directors may consist of:
● Abstinent heroin addicts of the Heroin Anonymous Program.
● Abstinent members of another 12 Step Program (Usually reserved for
Advisory positions.)
Article V - Board of Directors
A. Board role, size, and compensation:
The Board’s main function is to serve the Fellowship of Heroin Anonymous
within Arizona. It is a body created to maintain services to those that seek
help from Heroin Anonymous within Arizona. The Board shall have as many
positions required to give the best support possible to its territory but no
less than ten (10) positions. Board members shall be reimbursed for reasonable
travel expenses, postage, and copying expenses incurred in the performance of
their position. The Board may or may not review and reimburse a Board member
who, without prior authorization of the Board, incurs other expenses in the
performance of their position.
B. Meetings:
1. The Board shall meet as needed, at an agreed upon time and place. The
meetings will follow Roberts’ Rules of Order.
2. Any canceling or rescheduling for meetings should take place no less than
24 hours before the previously determined meeting time.
3. Zoom attendance should be used as a last resort and must be approved by the
4. Any known new business should be sent to the Secretary prior to the Board
C. Terms:
Each Board member shall serve a two (2) year term. Existing board members can
be elected for a single consecutive two (2) year term if elected to a
different position. Past board members will be eligible for re-election after
being absent from the Board for two (2) years.
D. Board Elections:
Board Elections will be a 4(four) month process. Officers will be elected by a
majority vote of the current officers. Three months prior to the end of the
current term the Chairperson will announce the positions coming to term. The
board will outreach These positions to find qualified applicants. Two months
prior nominations of will be submitted as well as a brief overview of
qualifications. One month prior Nominees must attend and submit a detailed
service resume to be sent to all members of the board. Elections of new
officers to a second term will occur as the first item of business at the
appointed Board of Directors meeting. Once a new officer is elected the
previous officer will be appointed to help the new chairperson with their
E. Officers and Duties:
The officers of the Board consist of the Chairperson, Vice Chair, Secretary,
Treasurer, Vice-treasurer, Chips and Literature Committee Chairperson, H&I,
Archives, Information Technology, Public Information, Fundraising Chair,
Outreach chair and Advisors. Other voting positions consist of various other
chairpersons, 2 at large voting Board Members, 4 delegates, and 4 alternate
Delegates; and shall not take any action individually that is not in
accordance with our 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts. The suggested sobriety for
a 12-step member to be eligible for any of the Board positions, is two (2)
years of continuous abstinence.
F. Who can make a motion?
Anyone can make a motion, discuss a motion, and/or second the motion. Only
board members may vote on the motion.
G. Quorum:
For any scheduled meeting of H.A. AZ. Area to do business there must be a 2/3
quorum met (2/3 of all filled chair positions plus at large positions). This
does not include World Conference Delegates and District Service
H. Vacancies:
In the event of a vacancy, the Board will schedule a special election. DSRs
will notify their intergroups as soon as possible and nominees will attend the
following month's board of directors meeting with a service resume. These
nominations with their service resume will be sent out to Board members and
will be voted upon at the next Board meeting. These vacancies will be filled
only to the end of the Board member’s term. All Board vacancies will be
communicated to the fellowship of H.A. AZ Area as a whole. {If a member is
elected to fill a partial term, the time served would not preclude them from
serving two (2) consecutive full terms as outlined in
section IV}.
I. Resignation, Termination, and Absences:
Voluntary resignations from the Board must be in writing and received by the
Secretary. A Board member may be dropped for missing two (2) consecutive board
meetings or three (3) total in any 12-month period. A Board member may be
removed for any issues which may be deemed detrimental to the common welfare
of Heroin Anonymous. Removal of an existing board member requires a 2/3 vote
of the full board.
J. Positions and Duties:
1. Chairperson:
● Plan and announce the agenda at all Board Meetings.
● Maintain a working relationship with the Board to ensure that the best
interests of Heroin Anonymous are being served.
● Work jointly with the Treasurer to maintain a working list of all
financial obligations and ensure that all are being met.
● Is responsible for reaching out to any members holding positions who
miss two (2) or more meetings in a year period and acquire a
recommitment to the group.
● The Chairperson does not make motions or second motions.
● The chairperson must remain impartial during debate.
● If the presiding officer wishes to participate in the debate. He or she
must temporarily vacate the chair position to the co-chair.
● They do not vote (unless to break a tie.)
● Knowledgeable of Roberts’ Rules of Order.
● Possess the ability to maintain order and keep meetings on-topic to
promote concise communication among members during meetings.
● Be one of two (3) signatures on all Board bank accounts.
2. Vice-Chairperson:
● In the absence of the Chairperson, they shall accept the full duties of
the Chairperson.
● Keep informed of all H.A. AZ. Area Inc. Matters.
● Will Chair committees on special projects as designated by the Board.
● Shall be the parliamentarian of the Board and be well versed in Roberts’
Rules of Order.
3. Treasurer:● Will use Quick Book Basics™ or equivalent software to maintain financial
records of all Board of Director’s business and make the current years
financial records, bank statements, account ledgers, checkbooks, tax
returns, and correspondence available at Board Meetings upon request.
● Provide current copies of the financial report at all Board Meetings
summarizing all income and expenditures.
● Provide a current financial report to a Board Member prior to scheduled
Board Meetings in event Treasurer cannot attend such scheduled Board
● Be a signatory on all Board bank accounts.
● Work with the treasurer of Operating Committees to ensure the proper
maintenance of financial records.
● Oversee the preparation and filing of federal tax returns.
● Will immediately inform the Board of any inconsistency in the accounts
or records.
● Communicate with all chairpersons and receive their yearly predicted
budget and present budgets to the board for approval. Required to keep
in line with prudent reserve.
● Check for incoming mail at the board’s P.O. Box located at 550 W.
Baseline Rd, Ste 102-464, Mesa, Arizona 85210.
4. Vice-treasurer:
● Assist treasure with all duties
● Receive and review receipts for reimbursement from board members.
● Be one of two (3) signatures on all Board bank accounts.
5. Secretary:
● Keep minutes of all Board meetings and distribute minutes from previous
Board meeting to each Board member via email prior to the next scheduled
Board meeting.
● Shall maintain email correspondence from the Web Site, answer all
correspondence or direct it to the appropriate person promptly, and make
available all correspondence to Board members monthly.
● Contact all board members before meetings via email and text to remind
them of meeting times and locations.
● Clean up the minutes to be professional to post to the Area website.
Removing any Curse words or inappropriate content prior to posting to
the H.A. AZ. Area Website.
● Check for incoming mail at the board’s P.O. Box located at 550 W.
Baseline Rd, Ste 102-464, Mesa, Arizona 85210.
6. Advisors, Two (2):
● Responsible for sharing experience with the 12 Traditions and the 12
Concepts and ensuring they are practiced in all Board business.
● Offer guidance to the Board in matters concerning the 12 Traditions and
the 12 Concepts.
● Address matters inside and outside the fellowship of H.A. which can
affect the continuation and growth of Heroin Anonymous.
7. Chips and Literature Committee Chairperson:
● Order literature and chips.
● Mail Start-Up Kits and all other literature materials.
● Liaison with Area’s Intergroups.
● Follow up with meetings receiving Start-Up Kits.
● Chips and Lit chairperson will prepare written detailed budget +/- 10%
in accuracy and submit to Finance committee for approval.~Communicate
with the treasurer to ensure money is handled and transferred properly.~
8. At Large Voting Board Member, Two (2):
● Attend all Board Meetings.
● Vote on matters before the Board.
● Can be assigned various responsibilities by the acting board.
● Fill vacated positions if immediately necessary temporarily or until
elections as the board decides.
● Organize a committee to create and present a Bid to host the H.A.W.S.
convention in Arizona.
● Update this document accordingly to reflect the changes and status of
the existing H.A. AZ Area.
● Be well versed in the current H.A. AZ Area Service Board Guidelines and
can answer any questions involving them.
● Changing or ratifying bylaws should take a 2/3 majority vote.
● Responsible for furnishing current and updated bylaws and providing them
to Internet Information chairperson for public review on Area’s website.
9. Information Technology:
● Maintain the appearance and functionality of the H.A. AZ Area Website
● Add new meetings and update existing meetings to the meeting section of
the website (Meeting name, date/time, contact info etc.).
● Responsible for uploading any relevant event information to the website.
● Check email often to ensure the needs of the fellowship are met in
regard to the website. Communicate with those who need assistance.
● Upload current minutes and bylaws as needed.
10. Area Convention Liaison:
● Maintains communication with the H.A. AZ. Area Convention Committee and
reports any relevant information to the HA. AZ. Area Committee.
● This position is elected by the convention committee.
11. District Service Representative:
● Maintains communication with the district they represent and reports any
relevant information to the Area Service Board.
● Is available to guide the district with any issues or questions they may
run into while fulfilling their commitment.
12. Hospitals & Institutions:
● Orders chips and books.
● Mail/deliver Start-Up Kits and all other literature materials to
● In charge of creating their own H&I Committee to liaison with
● Comitee will prepare written detailed budget +/- 10% in accuracy and
submit to Finance committee for approval.~Communicate with the treasurer
to ensure money is handled and transferred properly.~
13. Archives:
● Track and store all but not limited to; Memorabilia, Flyers, Minutes,
Bylaws, Pictures (Please keep anonymity in mind here), other H.A. AZ.
Area items.
● Display and attend Archive tables when necessary.
limited to flyers for meetings or events
Article VI - Committees
The Board may create committees as needed. Except for the Finance Committee,
all committee Chairs will be elected by a majority vote of said committees.
Once elected, the chairperson of any new committee must draft a list of
responsibilities, expectations, and duties defining their position, to be
added to this document.
A. The five Board members (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and
Advisor) serve as the members of the Executive Committee. Except for the power
to amend the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, the Executive Committee
shall have all the powers and authority of the Board of Directors in the
intervals between meetings of the Board of Directors if deemed necessary.
Minutes of these meetings between the executive committee must be taken and
provided to H.A. AZ Area the following month if Executive action is needed.
B. Finance Committee:
The Treasurer is chair of the Finance Committee, which should include The
Board chair, Vice-chair, and Secretary. The Finance Committee, not including
the treasurer, shall have read-only access to bank accounts. The treasurer and
one other signer are required to make changes to the account. The Finance
Committee is responsible for deciding how to operate the security aspects of
the area bank accounts. The Finance Committee is responsible for developing
and reviewing fiscal procedures, a fundraising plan, and the annual budget
with staff and other Board members. The Board must approve the budget and all
expenditures must be within the budget. The Board or the Executive Committee
must approve any major change in the budget. The fiscal year shall be the
calendar year. Annual reports are required to be submitted to the Board
showing income, expenditure and pending income. The financial records of the
organization are public information and shall be made available to the
membership, Board members, and the public upon request.
C. Committee Bank Accounts:
The checking account register should be kept up to date, with all deposits and
checks shown clearly. Once a month, when the bank statement comes in, the
Committee Treasurer should reconcile that statement and review it with other
group officers. Once the account register has been reconciled, submit it to
the Treasure on a monthly basis.
Article VII – Amendments
These Guidelines may be amended, when necessary, by a 2/3-majority vote of the
Board of Directors. Proposed amendments must be submitted to the Secretary and
are to be sent out with regular Board announcements.
Copyright © 2016-2019 Heroin Anonymous Arizona Area (HA AZ Area) - All Rights Reserved- This is the official website of Heroin Anonymous Arizona Area. Videos or graphic images may not be downloaded, copied or duplicated without the express written permission of Heroin Anonymous Arizona Area (HA AZ Area)